Last update April 2023

1. Subject

DevMind360.com (hereinafter, "DevMind" or the "Site") it is a site of DevMind360, based in Via Lombardi 4, Ciorani, Mercato San Severino, Salerno (84085), Italia (hereinafter, "DevMind360"), designed for developers who want to improve their skills on various fronts or for people who are entering the world of programming for the first time and want to become true professionals.

2. Ownership of DevMind

DevMind360 is the exclusive owner of DevMind360.com, including the related contents, infrastructures web and/or mobile as well as, in any case, any pertinent right of intellectual and/or industrial property. The service, the logos, the trademarks and all other distinctive signs of DevMind360.com are registered all over the world and their use and/or exploitation, in any form, are prohibited without prior written authorization of DevMind360. The treatment and protection of personal data, of which DevMind360 owns, are governed by ours privacy policy.

In any case, the User declares not to have requested and undertakes not to request, in any area territory, any type of protection, legal and/or conventional, in any case referable to the Site, the Announcements, the Contents and any know-how related to them; to the trademarks and/or any other distinctive sign of DevMind360, of any other User and/or third party.

3. Applicability of conditions

The Regulation applies to all those who use the Site for and register with It (hereinafter, the "Users").

3. Usage of DevMind

The use of the Site is free and allows the consultation of the Projects and Courses present here. The User must comply strictly to the method of use of the Site, in any form determined and/or communicated by DevMind360.

Users are in no way authorized to use the Site with ways that can even potentially damage, block, burden or otherwise compromise the functionality of the servers of DevMind and/or of the networks to which the Site is connected.

Some specific features of the Site are paid and are governed by the specific conditions set out in the relevant sections of the Site itself, easily known by each User who proceeds to the their purchase. Purchases of paid services will be recorded as payments to DevMind. Paid services are not refundable. DevMind360 may suspend a User account without any obligation to state reasons.

4. User Responsibility

The User undertakes to always maintain behaviors and languages law abiding.

The User guarantees that he/she has the Contents posted without infringing rights of others. The burden of proof that the Contents are not protected by the legislation on the protection of intellectual property rights and/or industrial, in particular in the field of copyright, will be incumbent on the User.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, DevMind360 may suspend and/or cancel a Account, without notice, without incurring penalty, charges, compensation and/or sanctions of any kind to be paid by the same DevMind360. By way of example, an Account may come suspended and/or canceled in the following or similar cases: violation of Regulation; significant indications of violation of rules, in particular in the field of intellectual and/or industrial property, money laundering, confidentiality or otherwise unlawful; violation of netiquette.

DevMind360 s limited to offering IT services to Users present on the Site, under the conditions set out in these Regulations.

5. Limitations in the provision of the service

These Regulations refer exclusively to the Site, and to related services, in the technological and juridical state resulting from the upon acceptance of the same and its subsequent modifications. DevMind360 makes no warranty of fitness for any particular purpose, nor is it able to guarantee - and refrains from promising - specific results arising from the use of the Site.

In consideration of the characteristics of the Site and the related services, DevMind360 does not guarantee that their operation will be uninterrupted or free from defects (by way of example only: bug, incompatibility with particular software or hardware, etc.). In particular, DevMind360 cannot be held responsible technical problems or failures relating to: telephone networks or lines; computer systems, including online and/or cloud, server and/or provider; computer equipment; software, mail programs not working electronics or audio/video playback caused by technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet. DevMind360 reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt the services of the Site, in full or in part, at any time, without notice and without having to indicate the reasons for the restrictions.

Therefore, the User cannot hold DevMind360 liable, to any title, for a malfunction of the Site and/or for lack of performance of the related services, even if such a malfunction could cause errors and/or delays in relation to the Accounts and/or the Contents.

6. Validity of the terms and conditions for the use of service

At any time DevMind360 can unilaterally change the these Regulations and/or any other terms and conditions for the use of the Site. In particular, in the event of changes not merely descriptive of the Regulations, DevMind360 will communicate these changes to Users in the manner deemed appropriate (e.g. via pop-ups, emails, etc.). Your use of the Site, thereafter upon receipt of such communication, will constitute for all purposes acceptance of the changes made to the Regulations. Still how much above, the changes made by DevMind360 to the Regulations will be effective from the third day following publication on the Site.

7. Indemnity

Each User (even by appearing in court and consenting to it the expulsion pursuant to art. 108 c.p.c.)  shall hold harmless DevMind360, its directors, employees and/or collaborators, in any capacity, from any request for compensation, indemnity and/or other liabilities, including charges of legal defense to a reasonable extent, advanced by other Users and/or third parties in relation to the use of the Site, and/or the related services, and/or to Content published and/or consulted. Each User acknowledges that benefit from an independent and reasonable benefit and added value with the use of the Site and/or related services, also by virtue of expenses incurred by DevMind360 for their creation, maintenance and management.  Therefore the User declares and guarantees to DevMind360 the interest in hiring of such indemnities.

8. Various

Any invalidity or otherwise ineffectiveness of any of the provisions of these Regulations, in any case, will leave intact the other legally and functionally independent agreements.

These Regulations will continue to produce effects for the Users, even after the cancellation of the Account, for all those clauses from which obligations destined to survive arise upon the cessation of its effectiveness between the parties.

The Regulation is governed by Italian law.


For any request, write to assistenza@devmind360.com



Via Lombardi 4, Ciorani, Mercato San Severino, Salerno (84085), Italia


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